Coming Home
In this special 5 day retreat you spend most of the time in complete darkness. Even a short period of darkness, for example during a meditation, can be very beneficial.
When you spend more time in darkness, the chatter in your head will settle down. The mind clears up, and room for profound contact with your essence, and the source of life and creativity, is created.
5 Day Retreat
This Darkness Retreat starts on Wednesday, and runs until Sunday.
We provide a secure space, in which you can surrender to your inner journey. Moments of silence, and time and space for yourself, are interspersed with group activities.
We dance, meditate, make musical journeys, stimulate the senses, and are creative in different ways. You will discover new ways of perception, and make deep contact with your life force, your essence, to be reborn out of the womb of darkness, into the light at the end of the retreat.
Practical Information
Wellspring Retreat Center
located in the South Eifel Nature Park
Upcoming Dates:
February 7-11, 2024
arrival Wednesday 16-18 h, departure Sunday 13 h
Lodging and Meals
2p and 3p rooms (single room surplus), vegetarian meals, coffee, tea and refreshments at breaks.
Aernoudt Knecht & Sigi Daman
meals and lodging: €320
retreat program: €475
Sum: €795
Special Offer
Come with two, and you get a discount of €100!

Sign Up Now!
Max. 12 participants
If you want to participate in this retreat, please fill out the sign-up-form below, and we will send you everything you need to know.
More about Ceremonial Darkness
In Darkness we become Visionaries
Our fixation on the light often blinds us. Like a moth to a flame, we can’t help ourselves. We forget that everything is born from the cradle of darkness. As the great creation myths of the world tell us, the true place of impregnation and fertilization is darkness. Although we manifest ourselves, and our ego’s, in the light, we heal and transform in darkness.
Ceremonial darkness has always played an important role in meditation and shamanic work. When the mind can safely release the security of the visible world, invisible landscapes of creative inspiration become visible.
Read more?
Article by Aernoudt Knecht:
Sacred Darkness – about blindfold, surrender and transformation